Dearest Family and Friends,
Sifting through collections of writings and experiences of a lifetime stuffed in boxes and bags … my electronic-savvy girls guided me to share it . . . via a Blog ~ so welcome to my world.
Dual in purpose, reminiscing and archiving, each time I reached in, something precious sprung out, like a ‘jack-in-the-box’ … to make me catch my breath at olden-day perspectives for what once was, aligning to Soloman saying: “There is nothing new under the sun.”
These blogs will emerge without premeditated form or fashion, when the spirit moves me, come what may . . . I will envision coming to sit beside you for a little while with a backdrop of years flying by from The Roaring Twenties, when the stork left me on the doorstep of the Neven and Rachel Ickes Farm . . . the most wonderful home he could find that November 8th, 1925 morning in The Dust Bowl Days of The Great Depression at Page, Nebraska with big brother, Millard and big sisters, Marion and Neva gazing as the hired girl, Dorothy Holliday, placed me in my cradle . . . calling me “Tiny.” At the start Mother was still nursing plump little Neva and I fought for my existence.
Time was always on my side in the scheme of things . . . each moment appointed . . . just when it was meant - to - be . . . Voila . . . always in tune with the universe, doing the two-step and whistling my theme song ~ Louie Armstrong’s, “IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD.”
This is my LEGACY . . .
TO all my “loves” . . . WITH all my “love” . . . ~ for all there is, is “love” ~
Sybil, Mom, Nana, Grandma, Grandma Sybbie, Grandma Great, Grandma Symbil