The Lost Fencing Crew
Andrea Malmberg Andrea Malmberg

The Lost Fencing Crew

As ‘Mother Confessor’ to all in the bunkhouse, I listened to their trouble … It was a real dilemma, but … Emil’s anger and their predicament sparked an idea!

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Andrea Malmberg Andrea Malmberg


The best of times were spent in this big red showplace barn on The Dan Hill Ranch for so many years, beginning before the turn of the 20th century, when it was built.

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Tribute to my Mother
Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt

Tribute to my Mother

I often feel my mother’s presence, hear her voice, and sometimes feel an actual nudge; she is the essence of my life, almost a hundred years now . . .

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1970s Energy Crisis
Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt

1970s Energy Crisis

I sent these cartoons to my parents Neven and Rachel Ickes in 1972 when a world petroleum shortage energy crisis put a crimp in everybody’s style, but didn’t bother me, because . . .

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Puttin’ On the Ritz at 86
Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt

Puttin’ On the Ritz at 86

From Wyoming to Singapore’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel for High Tea, my rancher-neighbor, Norma Burnham and I were on cloud nine as guests in my youngest son’s family’s glass condo, high on the rise in that tropical paradise ~

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Mother’s Thimble
Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt

Mother’s Thimble

This story captures life as a child in the 1930’s and may give you a little insight to the saying “A stitch in time, saves nine.”

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Welcome to Sybil.Live
Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt Sybil Ickes Malmberg Berndt

Welcome to Sybil.Live

Sifting through collections of writings and experiences of a lifetime stuffed in boxes and bags … my electronic-savvy girls guided me to share it . . . via a Blog ~ so welcome to my world.

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